It was my honour to be the President of Inner North Netball Club (INNC) for the 2020 season.
The 2020, winter season was the club’s eighth season in the North Canberra Netball Competition and while Covid19 restrictions hindered the netball season, with the persistence and hard work from Canberra Netball Association (CNA), a slightly varied netball competition was able to be played.
The INNC committee sincerely hopes that all its members enjoyed the 2020 netball winter season considering the uncertainty that surrounded it and the delayed start.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all members for the number of emails sent out during the year as well as all the Facebook posts etc. but they were all necessary in order to keep members up to date with what was happening in this NCNC netball COVID 19 year, thank you for your patience and understanding.
In the unusual circumstances surrounding this season, INNC has managed to have another year of growth from 23 teams last year to 26 this year.
1 Set team
3 Go teams
7 Junior teams
5 Intermediate teams
2 Cadet teams
8 Senior teams
Playing members + non-playing members = 278+, over 30 more than last year.
INNC had several teams play in the 2020 semis, and finals and we congratulate these teams, as well as a big “Well done” to all INNC teams in this extremely challenging year. As NCNC team grading was unable to be finalised, many teams found themselves in difficult and unsuitable divisions, to these teams we say ‘thank you’ for your tolerance and for just getting on with playing netball. I can only hope you all enjoyed being able to get on the court and finally play a game of netball after the delayed start to the season.
The depth and talent in our club is best shown by the number of representative players chosen for both Canberra Netball Association and Belconnen Netball Association representative teams. The INNC committee would like to congratulate the 44 representative players and 2 representative coaches on their selection. Well done ladies.

One major change for 2020 and due to Covid-19 was the club’s decision not to hold ‘End of Season’ formal presentation evenings. Instead each team was advised to hold individual team presentation events and judging from some of the events I have heard about, I feel the players really enjoyed themselves. We thank all coaches and /or managers for organising these events, your assistance and understanding in this matter is much appreciated.

I would like to thank my fellow committee members for 2020, we had our organisational skills put to the test this year and hopefully we met your expectations.
My appreciation and a big ‘Thank you’ goes to;
Vice-President Mel Mothersole (nee Bedford)
Secretary Meg Keyes
Treasurer Rachel Lloyd
Umpire’s Co-ordinator Lindy Fritsche
Coaches Co-ordinator Katherine Bedford
General Committee Members Sam Hardy, Maddie Short and Jess van Zwam, and Kezlee Gray.
Without the support and the assistance of these wonderful volunteers the club would simply not have been able to function.
INNC held an online, “Zoom” AGM in September, and it is my pleasure to announce the incoming committee for 2021;
President – Sue Bedford
Vice-President – Mel Mothersole (nee Bedford)
Secretary – Meg Keyes
Treasurer – Rachel Lloyd
Umpires Coordinator – Lindy Fritsche
Coaches Coordinator – Katherine Bedford
Publicity – Sam Hardy
General Committee – Vanessa Payne, Sarah Dickson and Karen Giovinazzo.
On behalf of the 2020 outgoing INNC committee and the 2021 incoming INNC Committee, I would like to thank all coaches, managers, umpires, players, parents and supporters for their contributions throughout the season. Your patience and understanding is much appreciated.

You are an integral part of the smooth running of the club and we hope to see you all back for a bigger, better and hopefully Covid free season in 2021.
Sue Bedford
2020 INNC President.